Are you focused on your healing, or are you focused on your wellness?

Douglas Bryant White
6 min readFeb 22, 2022

I’m about to show you what being a vibrational snob is all about. I’m also about to show you what nitpicking is all about. But what I also hope you see, hear, or feel with this piece of writing is where your focus is truly at in regards to your mental and emotional health.

When I or anyone else speaks about a person’s health or well-being we have to start with vibration, attraction, and emotion.

I say this not to try and convince you of my philosophy on life but rather to give you a basis for this article. If you know and can feel the foundation upon which this article is written, at the very least you can see the reference points and then make your own decision about it.

I also say this because we are about to go into the feeling difference of words. The difference in the sensitivity, of the emotional resonance behind healing and wellness. Two words that seem to be quite similar in nature but that can also take on very different meanings depending upon the individual who is reflecting upon them.

It begins like this. We all live in a vibration-based Universe, which means all of our senses are vibrational in nature. Our smell, our touch, our taste, to name a few, are all being interpreted through vibration.

All of our objects are vibrational in nature as well. They’re made up of matter, molecules, energy, etc.

WE as human beings are included in that as well. We are vibration and with that vibration comes a frequency.

This all seems pretty logical, right? Even if you haven’t heard this until now you can wrap your heads around this premise.

Think of it as a musical instrument like a guitar. As you strum a note on your guitar, you hear the sound, that sound is holding a frequency. So in a way, we are musical instruments, and as we romp and play in our lives each day, we are sending out this frequency into the Universe.

Okay, okay, I get that. But what does that have to do with healing and wellness?

Well, this is also an attraction-based Universe, which means as I vibrate this frequency out into the world, the Universe is yielding back to me that same note. Maybe it’s a soulful and beautiful note I’m playing for all the world to hear and so that’s what I receive back in return. Or perhaps I’m feeling some loud and heavy notes, like from a heavy metal band. So I receive that back from the Universe in return. Whatever note I’m playing is what I get to hear in return.

Okay, fine. I get that. That seems to make sense, as well, except I still have no clue where this is going.

Well, I’m almost there. Stick with me for just a little longer.

So for now we’re on the same page with the understanding that this Universe of ours is vibration-based, attraction-based, and what we vibrate out into the world is what we get back. Now we can add in the third and final act, our emotions.

Our emotions are just like your ears. When you hear the chords on a guitar, your ears interpret the note you are hearing as sound. As you learn more about music, you even can name those certain chords.

Well, it’s the same way with your emotions. Your emotions are your interpretation of the vibration you are emitting out into the world. As you get more and more aware of your emotions, not only do you become more sensitive to them but your emotional range grows as well. You then get to discover all the different ranges of emotions there are out there, from the highest of the high to the lowest of the low.

Okay, okay, I’m getting this. So you’re telling me, I know what I’m vibrating out into the Universe, our lovely and awe-inspiring planet, by knowing how I feel. And since this is also an attraction-based Universe, what I’m feeling more consistently is what shows up for me more often in my world.

And we say, BINGO!

Okay, okay, I get all this, but I’m still not getting what any of this has to do with healing and wellness.

Alright, so here it is. Because we now know the way we feel is what signal we are sending out into the Universe, for the Universe to respond to, let’s talk about words and how they can make us feel and our focus on all of that.

So let’s take a word like healing. Now normally, this word is used in situations when a child gets a cut or a scrape on their body. This cut or scrape needs to heal, right? Feel that word in this example. How does it make you feel? For me, I don’t feel much of an emotional tug either way. I would call the word heal put in this context, emotionally neutral. I don’t feel a tug either way, positive or negative. But here’s where it can get very interesting. If I were to tell you something happened to me in my life that I needed to heal from emotionally, not physically, what would be your emotional reaction to the word heal then?

For me, it takes me immediately to a place of sadness, grief, or pain. If there’s something I need to heal from emotionally, that feels much heavier for me. So as I focus on the healing I need to go through, there’s actually a less than good feeling frequency to that. This means the very fact that I think I need to be healed is the very thing that is keeping me in the healing process longer.

So here’s where the vibrational snob part of this story comes in. If we are looking at things from a vibration standpoint, which is how this Universe is responding to us (through our vibration and not our words) then healing really doesn’t even exist. The word does, of course, but in regards to vibration, healing doesn’t even exist. A vibration is a frequency, a radio wave per se, and a vibration doesn’t need healing. It’s just a frequency, a wavelength. It is our choice to be tuning into that frequency or not.

What we do want to be aware of or focus on is how we feel when we focus on ourselves. How is it or what is it that I’m feeling when I think of myself as needing to be healed? That’s the $24,000 pyramid question.

Okay, so let’s play the other side of that coin. What does the word wellness feel like to you? What visions come up in your head when you see you and the word wellness inside of this vision? Do you see a hole needing to be filled? Or is there already a sense of completeness or wholeness? For me, wellness takes me on a path of thriving, feeling alive, becoming nimble and agile, smiling from the inside out. So now I know for me, vibrationally, it is much better for my well-being to be focused on a picture or a vision of wellness than a picture or a vision of healing.

In the end, what really matters is your relationship to what is going on in your own life. Please don’t take this as now you have to change your entire vocabulary because some guy started telling you about being a vibrational snob. However, what I do think we all could do is check in every now and then with the perspective we are taking on the subjects in our life that matter the most to us. Check-in with how we are thinking about those subjects. Then you can see how you feel about those various subjects. So whether it is healing that works for you or wellness that works for you to be focused upon, just make sure checking in and being emotionally aware is a part of your daily ritual.



Douglas Bryant White

Doug White, former Major League Pitching Coach, current perspective coach and consultant who felt like writing and sharing my voice