Douglas Bryant White
3 min readJan 8, 2022

How Much Will We Let In?

So I was listening to a podcast today and Gary Zukav and his wife, Linda, were the guests. The podcast was called Holy and Human. It’s a lovely show put on by Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley.

There was this one part where the discussion was led to destiny, free-will, the law of attraction, and Gary said something about potential that led me to this writing.

He said something to the effect of (paraphrasing here of course) destiny is not what you are here living or here to live out. Your destiny, life, is about potential and the amount of potential you live up to or create in your life is based on how much potential you allow into your life.

This little part of the conversation brought on such clarity for me intellectually and viscerally. Normally I would be thrown off by that word potential because at times in my life when people made the statement of, “you aren’t living up to your potential”, it came with great shame or guilt towards myself, or even anger towards the person who was saying it.

But for some reason, today, that didn’t happen. I knew what Mr. Zukav meant by potential and the word was not meant negatively, or meaning you had to live up to a certain standard.

Potential, in this context, meant greatness. It meant love. It meant source. It meant enlightened. It meant higher being. It meant something more than what you see or think is going on in our physical body here on planet Earth.

And so I started to ponder on his statement of…

How much will you let in?

Wow, what a big statement that is! So loaded with greatness in so many ways. How much will you let in? How much of your greatness will you let in? How much of your love will you let in. How much of your source will you let in? How much of your enlightenment will you let in? How much of your higher self will you let in? How much of your “potential” will you let in?

“Well, Doug”, I thought to myself, “how much WILL you let in?”

How much will you allow yourself to love you? How much will you allow yourself to be in love? How much will you support yourself? How much will you believe in yourself? How much will you allow yourself to love others? How much will you allow yourself to treat yourself in all the ways you know possible to own and know who you really are?

And so I turn that question all to you.

How much will YOU let in?

Because when it is put in this context, in this manner, the only thing keeping yourself from your own “potential”, greatness, love, satisfaction, fulfillment, etc…is you and how much you will choose in every moment to let this “potential” in.

I love that I got to hear this podcast today. I love that I got to internalize it, embody it, differently than I have before. Life is always good, but it is especially finer in moments like here and now.

I have a feeling I’ll be asking myself this question for quite some time.

How much will I let in?

Douglas Bryant White

Doug White, former Major League Pitching Coach, current perspective coach and consultant who felt like writing and sharing my voice