Douglas Bryant White
4 min readJan 12, 2021

I was playing cards with a friend the other night. Gin rummy was the game of choice. (Yes, I won, if you were at all curious) When we were through playing we got into a little conversation about laying down new tracks, finding something fun and interesting to do with your life.

She told me she was listening to a podcast where this gentleman was telling the audience that when starting something new in life you must prepare for Rejection. Lots and lots of No’s!

I’m referring to a career where you are an entrepreneur. This gentleman was insinuating that with starting your own way comes lots of rejection.

Immediately I wanted to jump up from the table, stand on it with my best soapbox stance, and scream at the top of my lungs THAT IS NOT FUCKING TRUE! It may have been true for that individual and it may even have been true for a million individuals before him. That absolutely, positively does NOT mean it has to be the same way for you.

Do you ask why that is?

We are individuals, and as individuals, we can think and feel our life separately from everyone else’s. We hold our creative control! We do!

Now it may seem the opposite when you keep looking at things or finding things that seem to make this quite the opposite. That’s only because you keep lumping yourself into the pile of struggle, rejection, fear, and discouragement along with the others.

When building a life, a career, an enterprise, you never have to experience repeated or a lot of rejection.

If you are aware and clear on what it is you want AND then choose to be consciously aware of how you feel along the path or journey of building this enterprise, then you can have as smooth of a ride as you want.

But what is this whole rejection thing anyway?

Most would answer that it’s a big fuck you in your face and a nice kick in the ass. At times in my life (a million to be exact) I have felt that exact way. But then I started to realize this is not so at all. Rejection is really about a few things and a few things only:

1. This thing you think you are wanting is not a match to you.

2. This thing you think you are wanting you are not a match to it.

3. This rejection you keep experiencing is needed so you can further fine-tune what it is you really want. Your rejection is your path to clarity, this is needed, and should be welcomed as so.

Being clear on what it is you want is a powerful thing. This ability to keep the focus on the vision in a good feeling way will allow the pipes to stay clear and the water can flow right on through.

(if you don’t have a clear vision of what it is you want, don’t fret, there is another way. Bad thing is that we won’t be discussing that in this article)

You see how I said, “good feeling way”, that is the most important part. You must be consciously aware as you go for your dream of how you are thinking and feeling along the path. This emotional feeling is your guidance, your GPS so to speak.

Ever play the hot and cold game as a child? It’s just like that. The better you feel the hotter you are getting and you know you are on your path. The worse you feel the colder you are getting and you may just be off in the weeds for the time being.

So you know what you want and you have that clear vision and you don’t allow anyone else to say something or do something that can knock you off of that. Then as you go down this path you keep yourself on the path by being aware of how you are thinking and feeling along the way.

This emotional guidance system, your GPS, will always be there for you to help guide the way. It’s your job on this path to keep up with your emotional awareness and do the best you can to navigate the waters. This will give you power over your creative process so no gentleman on a podcast can ever tell you what your path is supposed to look like.

The gist of this article is don’t let anyone ever tell you, not only that repeated rejection has to be a part of your journey, but anything that they went through is something that then has to happen to you. Nobody can create for you in your life. This is your life, go live it how you want to and allow your emotions to assist you along the way. Be your own best guru!!

Douglas Bryant White

Doug White, former Major League Pitching Coach, current perspective coach and consultant who felt like writing and sharing my voice